Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Music and Computer Fingers

Usually when we think of journalism we only think of hard news and some fuzzy pieces.  We  tend to over look other forms of journalism focusing on the arts.  I am taking a music criticism class at the moment and the material I have learned in this class has proven to expand my knowledge.  Some may argue music criticism is not a form of journalism and only reach editorial standards, but for this blog let's assume ( for the sake of argument and debate) that it is part of journalism.

Reading music critics takes more than front on knowledge.  The article will not explain every term mentioned, instead music critics assume their audiences have a basic music background. They assume because it's most likely true.   Like any review, one will encounter a scenery set up and then a synopsis of  the performance.

Reading critics can be quite fun, or quite a bore.  If one is unfamiliar with the topics, the the boring side can be quite tempting.  

Journalism in the arts I feel is going away.  Maybe thats because blogs are taking these up.  I feel our society has gone from cherishing paintings, live music, and dance and traded it for A-List celebrities.  

When I get to the computer and get ready to write, oh my mind goes crazy.  I honestly think I might have ADD ,  I feel my timeliness of getting  my scripts done are a little bit faster, but not a whole lot.  I need to write faster, sharper and clearer!  I think my mind is so foggy that I just can't think straight.  These days I have a hard time just explaining stories to friends.  Now, I think I know what my kryptonite is,  sleep.  I have been lacking in this department and feel I have actually gained insomnia.  My sleeping patterns have been so off that I just need to work on getting in a good cycle once again. 

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